Safety and Health Management Policies

We implement safety and health management policies in compliance with the basics and principles.

Recognizing the safety and health of all employees as the top priority value of the company, we have established a safety and health management system in compliance with laws and standards, striving to ensure that all employees can work in a safe and pleasant environment. To that end, we continuously improve the safety and health environment through the same safety and health activities.

The CEO puts the creation of a safe working environment as the top priority
The CEO provides human and material resources to eliminate and control risk factors in the workplace through the establishment of a safety and health management system in the workplace.
We establish safety and health goals and detailed action plans and faithfully implement them.
We establish internal regulations in compliance with safety and health related laws and regulations and faithfully implement them.
All company members faithfully comply with their responsibilities and obligations for safety and health activities.
Practice of safety management

We conduct safety training every morning, and practice safety management, the company's core policy, through due diligence of site and wearing of protective gear.

위험성평가 인증서

Risk Assessment Certificate